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Therapist Musings: Mother’s Day

It’s Mother’s Day!

One, I wished someone a happy mother’s day, and was reminded that for many of us, today isn’t necessarily happy. If you're someone who's grieving when any parent day comes around, I'm with you. And, if you like hugs, know that I'm sending you well wishes and sending you the biggest virtual hug possible.

And, two -- I want to share these new reflections with you: Therapist Musings. Once or twice a month, I plan to put out a short video about anything that may be on my mind for the month. If you'd like me to discuss anything, feel free to also reach out to me, and I'll do my darndest to reply to your own musings.

This particular musing was influenced by the holistic psychologist's meditation on self-parenting or re-parenting.

Here's to you being kind to yourself, as you parent yourself in the best way you can, and as you walk with your own traumas.


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